by Barry Hammond


ISBN - 979-8-9882898-4-5


• 4.25 x 6.875" - Mass Market Paperback
• 172 pages + cover
• Afterword by Barry Hammond
• Cover by Stephen Andrade


A power beyond all human control has been awakened...

You might pity the girl, trapped in a snowbound cabin deep in the Canadian wilderness with three desperate fugitives...

But you’d be wrong. 

It’s not the girl you should fear for—it’s the men, as their burning lust turns to a cold, creeping horror in Barry Hammond’s long-lost Canadian classic.

This work is presented as it was originally created and may contain outdated and offensive cultural depictions.


Barry Hammond is a retired professional freelance writer and editor, based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  His film, music, book reviews, interviews and writing on popular culture have appeared on the Gig City website and in such diverse publications as The Edmonton Journal, Vue Weekly, See Magazine, Vex, Pacific Rim Review, Legacy and Independently Reviewed. He was a a fiction and, later, poetry editor for On Spec: The Canadian Magazine Of Speculative Fiction and a music, book, and DVD reviewer for Penguin Eggs (Canada's Folk, Roots, and World Music magazine). He appeared as a guest on, an interactive television show on which mystery novels were deconstructed by both literary and actual crime experts, which ran on Bravo, Book TV, CLT, Court TV Canada, and Access.  He published a novel, Cold Front, with New American Library in 1982 and his short fiction and poetry has appeared in over 50 literary magazines and anthologies in three countries.